Why We Stand Out.

The Scouts and Scouters of Troop 2017G take great pride in the quality and quantity of outdoor adventures and learning experiences we engage in. With a scheduled weekly Troop meeting, and a minimum of one outdoor activity per month - typically more - Scouts are provided the opportunity to maximize their advancement process, and more importantly, enjoy the Scouting experience. Scouts are not required to attend all activities, but we believe that creating plenty of opportunities is essential.

As a Scout led Troop, Scouts elect their own leaders and are able to contribute their ideas, communicate their wants, and determine as a Unit what activities will take place, and when. Through this process, Scouts maintain a strong level of enthusiasm and excitement throughout the program. With an experienced team of activity coordinators to help mentor Scouts in the planning and execution of events, Scouts build confidence and the skills necessary for operating a successful outdoor and activity program.

Weekends Camping in lush evergreen forests, a day spent canoeing over a placid lake. On horseback at dawn down woodland trails, a mountain bike ride through rolling hills. Kayaking across a sun-soaked bay, to all of our Scouts,
This is the way.

  • Some Scouter

How We Make A Difference.

For more than 100 years the Scouts has sought to encourage and instill the values necessary to help young people make and continue making ethical and moral choices over the entire course of their life. The objective of Scouting, therefore, is to promote the positive and prosocial development of youth that carries over into adulthood and influences all of society. This lasting influence—enhancing youth’s values, ethics, decision making, relationships, and personal development—is even more significant for youth who attain the rank of Eagle Scout. Over 100 years of Scouting history tells us that youth who achieve the rank of Eagle Scout have a significantly higher chance of succeeding in life.

These values are evident in the the Scout Law that is a core focus of the program. A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. These basic concepts guide all aspects of the program and Scout behavior. Scouts in our program take the following oath at each meeting. “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.“ It is our belief that regularly reinforcing these values helps to provide an excellent foundation for the Scouts to become good citizens and upstanding, successful, members of society.

Be Prepared.

It’s more than a motto, it’s a way of life. Being prepared means having the ability to deal with the many tough challenges life presents—that’s what Scouting is all about. Through its time-tested program, scouting provides young people with opportunities to mentor to their peers, build character, and enrich their lives. These activities build stronger family bonds and help youth reach their full potential by instilling values that last a lifetime.

One of the strengths of the Scouting program is the unique relationship between community organizations, parents, and leaders. Working together, they are able to focus the necessary resources and leadership on the single task of serving youth. The result is children, families, and communities that are stronger and better prepared for the future.